2020 Vision


Jemima and I look forward to Vision Week every year. It has become one of my favourite times, where we gather globally in excitement to celebrate where God is taking Kingdomcity.


It's a new year, a new decade. 20/20 is the expression used to describe normal visual acuity, the ability to see with clarity and definition; and our pray that in 2020, we will have 20/20 vision spiritually.

Our theme at Kingdomcity this year is The Word and it has been His word that has propelled us forward. Fourteen years, eleven nations, and amazing global acceleration like we have never seen. We are again on the brink of something new. As we prepare to launch new locations, we look ahead with excitement, with vision, believing the greatest days and decade are yet to come. 

I want to share our latest content from our 2020 global Vision Week. My prayer is that your faith is stirred as you allow His Word to light your path in this new year.


Jesus healed physically blind people in His day and it caused incredible joy to everyone He touched. What’s sad in our world, is that many can see but have no vision. Nothing worse than seeing without having a vision.

Many have allowed a lack of authenticity, circumstances and veils of disappointment or fear Blind, Block, and Blur our vision. The good news is your history does not define your destiny. Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever; He still heals the blind.


This year, at Kingdomcity, our theme is The Word; in Psalms 119 we read that God’s word is a "lamp to my feet and a light to my path." The entrance of His word gives light. 


When we can’t see the path clearly, we are more likely to get lost. His Word brings vision, clarity and empowers us to be lights in a dark world.

His word has propelled us forward. Fourteen years, eleven nations, and most recently acceleration like we have never seen. As we, Kingdomcity, prepare to launch 3 new locations in India, Hong Kong, and Durban we look ahead with excitement and with vision, believing the greatest days and decade are yet to come. 

20/20 is the expression used to describe normal vision acuity - the ability to see with clarity and definition and that is my prayer and hope that in 2020, you will have 2020 vision spiritually.



Father, I pray that You remove Blindness, move the Blockage, and clear the Blur as we look up and look ahead to what You have in store for us together. Thank you for all that You have done and we praise You for all that You are going to do in 2020 and beyond. 


Mark Varughese


Being a Broken Disciple.